Net Neutrality -Alex MacNeil

Net Neutrality is the freedom of an open internet. This freedom is very unique to the U.S and deserves to not be taken for granted. Net Neutrality allows us to search and do whatever we want without the discretion of internet service providers. Without the open internet, what we can see and what we can do will no longer be our choice. Here’s a brief history or Net Neutrality:

Volleyball was played at international level in America for the first time

For the first 10 to 15 years, there was nothing wrong with how Broadband worked in people’s homes. When it became reclassified and therefore not subject to the typical regulations, this allows internet service providers, like Comcast, to control the speeds of websites and where we can go based on who pays more. This gives full power to big corporations. Here’s a short video discussing the consequences of the repeal of Net Neutrality:




If we focus on the gaming industry, this will also be affected by internet service providers control of the internet. Because ISP’s like Comcast will get to decide what sites and networks move fast into our homes, the latency of on-line video games will be affected. To describe latency simply: low latency is the smooth, no lag, gaming that people enjoy. High latency means there is a lot of traffic and not enough room for all the connections meaning there will be a lot of buffering in the connection. Without net neutrality, the risk of continuous high latency of the gaming networks will be a constant concern for players.

It’s hard to argue against freedom of the internet. Here’s what people are saying across social media sites:

As we can see, net neutrality protects are basic freedom to do what we want on the internet. If we let this power go for granted, we dangerously allow big business to control what we can see and do. Let’s keep our internet open.

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